Dataset highlighting Field Interview Cards as gathered by Albany PD Officers for the past year to date geocoded by Neighborhood. It is the same data as Patrol Zone and Beat.
Dataset highlighting calls for service Albany PD Communications for the past calendar year geocoded by Neighborhood. It is the same data as Calls for Service by Patrol Zone
Dataset highlighting traffic citations issued Albany PD Officers for the past year to date geocoded by Neighborhood. It is the same data as Patrol Zone and Beat
Dataset highlighting calls for service Albany PD Communications for the past calendar year geocoded by Neighborhood. It is the same data as Calls for Service by Patrol Zone
This dataset contains those accumulated parking violations (more than $200 per person) that make an individual vehicle eligible to be immobilized by “booting” until payment of outstanding parking tickets. Any changes to a violation will not be reflected until the next data set update. Ticket numbers obtained here can be used to pay outstanding parking tickets here
*Errors may occur in the transfer of data. Consult the Parking Violations Bureau or the payment site to verify tickets.